Being Human >
> Being Human Live Notes: Children Shouldn't Play With Undead Things
It's a date, and by that I mean another date with Nora on tonight's Being Human. Here are my live notes:
- In the bar, Josh once again lets his nerves keep him from standing up for himself.
- I'm not sure why Sally freaked out so much at being "one of them", sorry but you kind of are.
- Does anyone else think it's creepy that Aiden is letting this little boy come home with him? Dangerous too, Aiden hasn't learned to completely control himself.
- Nora likes making Josh uncomfortable a little too much, "I do love to watch you squirm, it's as though you're an artist and awkward is your medium."
- Josh just likes to keep things awkward, "Hello there little friend ..."
- Sally is way too angry about the whole ghost colony thing.
- "That is so adorable I can't even be mad at you right now", good Sally, nobody likes you when you're angry.
- "You feel wolfy", wow, maybe that'll help Josh get laid.
- "When a woman wants to show you her apartment, it's usually just an excuse to get you in the bedroom", Josh is finally getting lucky!
- Wow, of course Josh got too "wolfy" and screws up his chance again.
- "I growled", nice description Josh.
- Josh is finally taking the opportunity to get it on, in a weird, animalistic sort of way.
- Aiden is so cute with that kid, but the kid's kind of weird. Besides, Aiden likes the three stooges? Really?
- It's official, Aiden has a MILF admirer.
- Right Nora, Josh is real "classy".
- Aiden is 257?
- Josh's transformation was pretty cool, first clear look we've gotten of a werewolf.
- Holy crap, the kid saw the DVD of "two people screwing in a hotel." Being Human is really keeping it classy tonight!
- "There he is, Mr. hit and run." Nora is obviously the wittier one in the relationship.
- "I'm also not the kind of guy who mounts women spontaneously and has furious animal sex." I take that last one back.
So what did you think of this week's Being Human? Anything stick out to you? Tell me in the comments.